unfair treatement

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Registriert: Sa 29. Aug 2015, 09:50

unfair treatement

Beitrag von carrot22 »

Hello Leute,

I'm new here. I've done only two purchases on this platform out of which one was very smooth. The other one I should say is problematic though.

I happened to cancel an order from a private vendor on booklooker because I felt that the book wouldn't get delivered on time. So I purchased the same book from amazon.de instead paying a premium price for the next day delivery. I even mailed this person on booklooker out of courtesy, that I would be cancelling my order from him due to above reasons. Shockingly, this person has not only given me a 1 star rating claiming that I ordered and I didn't pay, but also reported me on booklooker. Now I'm blocked. It's completely unfair.

This person has the book with him only and I can see that it is up for sale again on booklooker. He never shipped the book to me.

What should I do now? I've mailed the support on booklooker about this.

It feels so bad. Does no one ever cancel an order? What's your opinion here?
Beiträge: 941
Registriert: Sa 16. Jun 2007, 16:01
Wohnort: 51491 Overath

Re: unfair treatement

Beitrag von briefmarkenjaeger »

Hello carrot22,

if you purchase the book from a private vendor you have to pay the book or you'll risk a negative feedback. You have the right of withdrawal only by a commercial vendor. Nevertheless you can kindly ask the private vendor, if he would cancel the order, but that can only be done by good will from the private seller.

If the private vendor doesn't send the payment information (I would say in about 2 or 3 days), you can contact booklooker to cancel the order.
Beiträge: 3
Registriert: Sa 29. Aug 2015, 09:50

Re: unfair treatement

Beitrag von carrot22 »

But I decided not to purchase the book due to time factor involved in shipping etc., And I politely mailed him to cancel the order. It all happened in a time span of 2-3 days. There was no shipping time or cost involved here.
It sometimes happens that you have to cancel an order, that doesn't mean that the private vendor goes on giving you the lowest rating and even reports you. That doesn't make sense.
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Registriert: Mi 18. Mai 2011, 01:11

Re: unfair treatement

Beitrag von williwu »

In some respects I agree with you. The normal private vendor waits until the bill is payed, so there is no excessive damage because of a cancellation. And normally this would be no reason to make a bad rating, maybe the purchaser will order something next time and - let's hope so - make the deal then.

But on the other hand - two or three days? How long do you need to make up your mind? Or is this normal habit: first order, then think it over and decide and in the end cancel again? If yes, it's a bad habit. Couldn't you clarify the terms and conditions before ordering?

How do you know there hasn't been any costs? Maybe in confidence to deal with a respectable partner the seller had already prepared the envelope with adress, had ordered the internet-stamp etc? Maybe it's stupid to trust in a purchaser before the payment, but some times ... For private vendors this is of more significance than for professional ones.
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Registriert: So 16. Okt 2011, 11:41
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Re: unfair treatement

Beitrag von kalokalokairi »

carrot22 hat geschrieben:But I decided not to purchase the book due to time factor involved in shipping etc., And I politely mailed him to cancel the order. It all happened in a time span of 2-3 days. There was no shipping time or cost involved here.
It sometimes happens that you have to cancel an order, that doesn't mean that the private vendor goes on giving you the lowest rating and even reports you. That doesn't make sense.
Irrespecting of the platform you buy something on the internet one of the basic dealing laws here in Germany is: If you buy from a private seller the bargain is binding for both sides.

You always may ask a seller whether he is willing to cancel a deal. But you have no right to "inform him" or to "cancel the order". Private deals can only be cancelled if both sides agree to it.
Beiträge: 941
Registriert: Sa 16. Jun 2007, 16:01
Wohnort: 51491 Overath

Re: unfair treatement

Beitrag von briefmarkenjaeger »

If you are in doubt about the shipping time you should ask the private seller next time, before you make an order (there is a button called "Anfrage" or with Google translation "Inquiries") below at each offer.
Perhaps the private seller would also send you the book with a faster mailing type (e. g. air mail) instead of surface mail if you pay the extra postal charges and maybe he also accept PayPal for a faster payment clearing.

I'm quite sure, that Booklooker will remove the ban, if you receive the first positive feedback from the smooth order (maybe it would help if you ask the other seller to give the feedback as soon as possible after completion of the transaction).

Next time you should take more attention if you really want to buy an article by a private seller.
If I were the privat seller, I would cancel the order, if it's a kind cancel query and if the buyer would tell me the reason beside an excuse, assumed I haven't shipped the article yet and no expenses already and if it's a unique mistake.

But there exists no legal treatment that a private seller must have to cancel an order.
Beiträge: 3
Registriert: Sa 29. Aug 2015, 09:50

Re: unfair treatement

Beitrag von carrot22 »

Thanks for your feedback people. I understand. I'll consider it carefully before placing an order next time.

I would have certainly paid for the order if the order was already shipped or something, even if it meant buying the article twice. But here it did not amount to any loss I presume, unless he had written my address on the postage.
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Registriert: Do 27. Okt 2005, 11:54
Wohnort: Grossraum Karlsruhe

Re: unfair treatement

Beitrag von d_r_m_s »

hello carrot22, welcome to booklooker Forum !
carrot22 hat geschrieben:...
It all happened in a time span of 2-3 days
as can be verified from the Feedback given to you ... but:
carrot22 hat geschrieben:...
purchased the same book from amazon.de instead paying a premium price for the next day delivery
the usual way for sending lower value books in Germany is by 'Büchersendung' ... though this may arrive the next day, it happens quite often that it takes several days, even one or two weeks, for a Büchersendung to be delivered ...

so if you are in urgent need to get a book, you should always contact the seller in advance to negotiate conditions for fast delivery ... plus ask if the book is really available (merchants) and if there might be shipping delays (private sellers), respectively ...

a polite request to cancel an order usually does not end with negative feedback ... probably your order was mistaken to be a joke, you are a new member here without experience in german custom, the seller is not very experienced (at least on booklooker) either ...

good luck ...

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